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Great atmosphere!

The art style is amazing, I can't wait for the VR version

Its realy cool game but i have one question, how to win? i find all ghosts and nothing... maybe im too stupit for this game.


I'ts kinda cryptic (haha get it) but you have to litterally leave by interacting with the gate

I realy love your concept game. This 1-bit objects looks amazing!

Wow this game was so fun! I absolutely love the art style with the cool visual effect along with the adorable pixel art ghosts :D the music was super swag and epic. definitely one of my favorite games from the jam :)

Love the game man, love the art and the concept. What I like most is the fact you need to actually explore, meaning you need to get up close and personal some objects in order to actually see them specially the staff sort of forcing the player to actually explore... I like it, Well Done! Keep up the Good Work!

You got a ton done in such a short time, this is awesome! It takes a bit of time to adjust to what you're seeing as you play the game, but overall the visuals are great.

Wow, this game have potential, the art is very good, and i love the characters :3